We present you an exclusive line of street and sidewalk partitions made of Corten steel. These partitions are worth choosing when building on city streets, where the aggressive natural environment (salt, water) prevails, because Corten steel is durable (does not brown, does not peel paint, does not scratch, does not change color), which cannot be said about other partitions (galvanized or painted, which sooner or later become problematic).

All partitions have an option: a wood / plastic composite armrest can be added (different colors available). Partitions can be anchored to a solid base or concreted. Our products are not only original in design, but meet all the highest quality standards as they are made of quality Corten steel. Meets the requirements of EN100255: 2004. If you do not find a design that suits you, we will be happy to create and produce one that meets your expectations.

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Kreipkitės ir mes mielai Jus konsultuosime, padėsime išsirinkti, optimaliai suplanuoti medžiagas, jų kiekius, įvertinti sąmatą, aptarsime montavimo galimybes ir kitus klausimus
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